You can get a Long I spelled i_e Word Search by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post.
I have been making these units to help with teaching the sound spelling. We followed the pacing guide with our Hartcourt HM Storytown this year but have definitely switched the pacing for next year! If you look below, the silent E was just taught (I taught it earlier but what the heck! April of first grade to teach silent E? Anyhow, I may get 1 or 2 more of these units completed before the end of the year but the others I will have to do in the summer since we get out JUNE 4TH! HOOT! HOOT!
Here is an outline of what is included in the unit. It does not show the ice cream recording booklet for your kiddos.
My kids favorite activity was making the ice cream craft- of course.
They charted the long i words on the correct sound spelling. Many of the activities are interchangeable to fit your teaching style (small group, whole group/stations/centers/homework practice/independent practice). Here are some more pictures of the unit in action.
They charted the long i words on the correct sound spelling. Many of the activities are interchangeable to fit your teaching style (small group, whole group/stations/centers/homework practice/independent practice). Here are some more pictures of the unit in action.
This was their favorite activity. Some built their ice cream scoops 1 on top of the other while some made old fashioned looking scoops. Looks great on the walls and is a great visual reminder for students.
This is the recording booklet for 7 activities. some we completed whole class and colored together because we were short on time. They are half sheet booklets. I credit this booklet for keeping my class 100% engaged 100% of the time (that says a lot considering my class dynamics! Let me just say 27 Kiddos, 4 ADHD, 1 Schitzo, and of course the mixture of EL's, high, medium, and low students. They were ALL engaged. I was so happy and so were they! They wanted ALL their scoops colored and of course they wanted the REAL ice cream that they get when all activities were complete. The ice cream craft can be used with the long i tree map so the kids conquer 2 activities at once.
2 students decided to play a matching game then record the words in their ice cream booklets. They can also play go fish and memory with this cards.
Here students put ice cream cones in ABC order. They work together and record their words.
Here students sort ice cream scoops by long and short vowel sounds. They then record their words under long and short vowel sounds in their ice cream recording booklet (they can record in a notebook as well). If you are having them record the words, the green scoops are easier than the scoops with pictures set. The scoops with pictures are for higher students as they have to spell the words on their own. This set also comes with cones to build ice cream cones.
Here students are recording their words in their booklet.
We did a lesson on changing y to i and adding es and ed. They then completed a y to i tree map independently and colored scoop in their booklet.
Game 3 shown below. Students move game pieces to long or short i depending on the card they picked. It is amazing to listen to all students regardless of academic level play this game. You can here them stretching the word slowly to hear the sound. My lower students are able to learn from my proficient and higher students as they watch and listen to them (one of the reasons I do partner work with stations and centers even though quite honestly, it is not my favorite thing). I know it is important. I spent 2 years researching self-regulating students and peer/partner work is so important.
Game 1:
Students take turns spinning the spinner. They move a matching word to the picture on the board game (these games target sound spellings and vocabulary development. Not to mention the very important skill of taking turns and working together. Those red circles are cherries to put on the ice cream. I just taped them to water bottle lids. So easy and cute plus it gives a 3-D element to the game.
I did not include pictures of all the activities or any of the independent practice sheets.
You can click on any of the pictures or HERE to take you to the Long I unit.
HERE is the LINK to the long I word search with long i spelled i_e I promised.
If you are looking for long i activities, I created these differentiated phonics games. These games are my favorite because kids can play independently or with a partner and there are 3 different levels. They can play all three games or choose the one that is a "good fit." I love using these in small group because kids can play while I read with kids one on one and then they switch.
Best of all . . . These games were designed so there are NO LOOSE pieces. Everything is attached! I think that helped me more than the kids. It actually saves set-up time and clean-up time so kids have more time to play and practice.
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