F A Differentiated Homework: Super Easy K-3 - The Way I Teach

A Differentiated Homework: Super Easy K-3

What a fun, crazy, hectic week!
Last week I spent 2 days at Dr. Appt.s for my son.  He had broke his pinky but he ended up needing surgery with pins and a full cast to boot.  All of that for his little pinky (his writing hand too).  Needless to say I will be spending most of today helping him complete missed work from school.  He is doing much better now - just B-O-R-E-D because of his limitations (still medicated in this picture).  My poor little guy. 

Yesterday was my husbands birthday.  We spent the day at his friends place.  I tried to take pictures but you just can't see the view I saw.  It was gorgeous.  We were sitting on a hillside overlooking the ocean with greenery all around.  This place was tucked in the mountainside like a secret hideaway.   It sat on 3 1/2 acres of pure greenery, lights strung across the trees, a rustic bar, and a bonfire.  I felt like I was in a Pinterest Pin : ) .  The White part in the picture on the left is the ocean, 

Alright - So back to reality.  Last week I put these reading response logs into a usable printable unit.
Here is the reason reasons I like these:

1) Kids are reading a book that is appropriate for their reading level.  They can read a book you assign, a book from home or parents can read to them.  So the reading is differentiated yet . . .

2)The kids are practicing a comprehension strategy.  I pick the reading log that corresponds to what we have been working on in class. So it is their choice of book but practice is based of of what they are being taught.

3). Children are responding to reading through writing.

4).  Application of sight words and grammar is integrated in their responses.

5) I send home one sheet for the entire week and I don't have to spend time making "homework packets (very important when you are limited on copies)." 
6) Homework was simplified with more meaningful homework where children need the most practice -     READING/WRITING/COMPREHENSION
Reading Log Homework

I love these things.  The kids LOVE them too! The Response logs are easily differentiated because children can read books at their level and of their interest.
The Way I Teach

I did not use these the first half of the year in kindergarten.  I started using them in January.  I always showed the children how to do these before they went home. 
I love reading what they write. I really am not sure about homework in kindergarten but my district has homework in kindergarten this year. However, I would have used these in 1st grade and definitely 2nd.   Most of all my kids complete these and turn these in on the following Monday.  I always have them turn homework in on Monday to give them the weekend to make up work in case they had a day they couldn't complete it.
Reading Response Log Reading Log

The unit has editable templates so you can type your newsletter to parents explaining the reading long and includes the Reading Response questions for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.   I have included several options including the one I send home now.  Of course you can use your own too.
Differentiated Homework  The Way I Teach

I suppose if you wanted, you could post sentence frames on the board and use these for write about reading in your Daily 5 rotations too.  If you purchase this unit and you want something added or changed please email me. I will be happy add and adjust the unit.
You can check out the Unit HERE or click on any of the pictures and it will take you to it.  Happy SUNDAY!



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